
How To Play Earth Wind And Fire On Guitar

The Guitarists of Earth, Wind & Fire

September 26, 2019 by GoofyDawg

EWF Guitarists Serg Dimitrijevic and Morris O'Connor

Last night, I went to see Earth Wind & Fire at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, CA. I first saw them way, way back in the late '70's. What a show and what showmanship! At least for me, at the time, nothing compared to their show replete with lasers and pyrotechnics and magic. At the end of the show, they all climbed into a pyramid that lifted off the stage, then with a bang, broke apart to reveal – nothing. They did a disappearing act!

Almost fifty years later, their show is much much much more tame but no less entertaining. And the fact that the three remaining original members have been doing this for almost fifty years and sounding just as good is incredible!

And while most might think that as a funk band, they're all about the horns, in actual fact, guitars have always played a major role in their music. They may not be front and center, but without those funky guitars in the background, the music wouldn't be complete.

For the past few years, they've EWF has used two incredible guitarists: Morris O'Connor as lead guitar and Serg Dimitrijevic on rhythm. These guys aren't household names in the guitar world which tends focus on jazz, blues, and rock, but they are accomplished session musicians and producers in their own right.

As far as playing for EWF is concerned, they're tight Tight TIGHT! Morris plays these incredibly funky lead lines underneath the songs, while Serg plays some of the most funky rhythms I've heard. Make no mistake: Playing funk is hard. It's palm-muting, plucking bass lines and two- or three-note chords up and down the fret board. And you have to combine that with a syncopated funk rhythm, so all that technique must be applied while you feel the rhythm. And you can't be off the tempo because it'll throw off everyone else in the band.

Neither of these guys is flashy. They both get solos in the concert, though Morris naturally gets more as the lead guitarist. The have a workmanlike approach and are the ideal sidemen. They're positioned stage-right and -left and tucked a bit back in the corner; as I said, they're not front and center. But you can definitely hear the both of them in the mix. Their guitars are essential to the overall sound of the band.

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How To Play Earth Wind And Fire On Guitar


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