
How Do I Do Makeup For Dracula

Holy Rabies!

— Mavis' recurring catchphrase.

Mavis Dracula is the chief protagonist of Hotel Transylvania: The Series. She is Dracula's daughter. She is 114 for most of flavour i until turning 115 in the concluding episode, and appears to remain 115 for the entirety of season ii.


  • 1 Contour
    • 1.1 Physical Appearance
    • i.2 Article of clothing
    • 1.three Personality
  • 2 Powers and Abilities
    • 2.1 Endurance
    • 2.2 Shapeshifting
    • two.iii Adhesion
    • 2.4 Shadowmancy
    • 2.5 Conjuring
  • 3 Inabilities
    • 3.ane Teleportation
    • iii.2 Hypnosis
  • 4 Relationships
    • four.i Dracula
    • 4.2 Hank Due north. Stein
    • iv.3 Wendy Blob
    • 4.4 Pedro
    • iv.five Aunt Lydia
    • 4.6 Gene
    • iv.vii Klaus
    • 4.viii Quasi
    • four.9 werewolf twins
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 References

Profile [ ]

Physical Appearance [ ]

Mavis is a vampire with pale skin, blue eyes, and short black hair with bangs. Like most vampires she has long and sharp fangs, although they are smaller than her father's.

Either her makeup or her natural features portray her with black lips, lined optics, and dusky eyelids.

In bat form her ears and fly webbing are reddish, in contrast to the purple of her younger cousin Klaus.

Lydia refers to Mavis having "tiny little hands" in Married to the Blob, causing Mavis to retort "I prefer dandy". Mavis is again defensive about her hand-size when this is mentioned a second time later on.

Wear [ ]


She normally wears a blackness turtleneck dress with translucent black hosen arm warmers that give her arms a grayness complexion compared to her bare face and fingers.

She wears thigh-high black socks with red stripes on them, and red converse sneakers on her feet.

Dorsum when she was 38 years old and smaller she did not wear the arm warmers or the socks, and had her limbs bared like her face.

Personality [ ]

Mavis is highly energetic, cheerful, curious, and fun-loving. She has loftier respect and love for her father who took care of her her entire life.

Mavis also cares deeply for her friends, Hank, Pedro, and Wendy. Always hanging out together and helping each other out.

Despite her skilful intentions Mavis frequently finds herself in problems and situations that she creates herself, often due to her lack of planning ahead and overconfidence.

Different other monsters Mavis has grown out of her fear of humans for the most part (unlike in the first picture, when Mavis was non allowed outside until she turned 118). This is shown when she takes care of a young man toddler (the Cartwrights' daughter) on a few occasions. All the same, she is still is unsettled by humans and their behaviours. For instance: she and Lydia didn't know what a diaper was.

Mavis is not e'er entirely honest, like when she steals Tiffany's wand to assistance Pedro in Talk Blobbish to Me she says "Tiffany kinda lent me her wand".

Powers and Abilities [ ]

Endurance [ ]

She and Klaus spent about iii weeks wrestling over Phlegm Ball according to Hank N Stein'southward estimation. So she is able to forgoe sleep at least that long when exerting herself.

Shapeshifting [ ]

Similar many vampires Mavis can transform into a bat. She frequently uses this to get to places faster and reach heights she commonly couldn't.

Adhesion [ ]

She also has the ability to walk and climb on walls.

Shadowmancy [ ]

Mavis can also dispense her shadow to have on different terrifying forms. This is seen when she is performing a "Vamp Off", an ancient vampire tradition, with her cousin Klaus.

Conjuring [ ]

Like other vampires Mavis can teleport or manifest different objects for her to apply. An example of this is seen in the episode Condign Klaus when she creates a Megaphone to become everyone's attention.

Mavis can change her apparel and advent at will in an instant. This is seen in several episodes when she needs to change outfits for a certain occasion.

Inabilities [ ]

Teleportation [ ]

Like her Aunt Lydia she has as well tried to teleport by vanishing into a puff of flames. Even so, due to her young age and inexperience she hasn't been able to pull it off however.

Hypnosis [ ]

Mavis initially cannot use her vampire hypnosis powers until the episode Hypnosferatu where she finally learns how, but then by the end promises to never use them once again without Lydia's permission starting time.

Relationships [ ]

Dracula [ ]

Mavis Hugs Drac.png

Mavis has adored her father always since she was a immature vampire. She has spent her entire life living inside the hotel with him and the other monsters, playing games and having fun with one another. After her mother passed away, the hotel was built to keep monsters safe from humans.

When Dracula announced that he had to leave the hotel temporarily for the vampire council she was heartbroken, but she however did her best to pack her begetter's luggage with everything he could possibly need, claiming nobody knew him better than she did.

Her possessed doll Demented Debbie was a gift from Dracula. Nonetheless, Mavis has non played with her in a while, due to Debbie's clingy personality.

Hank N. Stein [ ]

Mavis and Hank.png

Hank is Frankenstein'south son and 1 of Mavis' best friends at the hotel. Like all her friends Mavis cares a lot for Hank and his well being. At i point Mavis felt bad for Hank that he couldn't play basketball well, so she gifted him new hands that could help him ameliorate himself. Unfortunately for Hank this gift concluded up being a nightmare then Mavis sought out to help Hank recollect his erstwhile hands and brand things right.

Wendy Blob [ ]

Wendy is the daughter of Bob Blob and one of Mavis' best friends at the hotel. She was made in a laboratory and has been living at the hotel all her life. Wendy consideres Mavis her best friend and is always found by her side when their group is hanging out. Mavis also returns this friendship and cares for Wendy securely. Wendy lives in the penthouse suite.

Pedro [ ]

Pedro is an undead mummy and i of Mavis' best friends at the hotel. Pedro is a care-free spirit and is always looking to have fun. Despite Pedro getting on Mavis' fretfulness occasionally she still thinks of him as a good friend. He is quite young for a mummy, beingness only 75. Murray is his friend and Pedro resembles him. Different virtually mummies, he is non very skillful at casting curses. He has a big blood brother named Rusty who is a DJ.

Aunt Lydia [ ]

Lydia scolds Mavis.png

Lydia is Mavis' aunt and the temporary possessor and caretaker for the hotel. Mavis and Lydia don't frequently see center to middle. While Mavis would rather relax and have fun with her friends Lydia wants to maintain club in the hotel. Mavis e'er finds herself accidentally aggravating Lydia and consequently enduring her wrath. Despite these differences Mavis still cares almost her Aunt and wants to go on her happy.

At 1 point Mavis unleashes Truth Bugs upon the hotel, attacking and tormenting the other monsters, before Mavis could give up on herself Lydia appeared to reassure her that she was a Dracula and that she does deserve to work at the hotel. After Mavis and her friends successfully destroyed all the Truth Bugs, Mavis asked Lydia again if she meant what she said near her deserving to work at the hotel or if she was just infected by the Truth Bugs. Lydia smiles and tells Mavis that Truth Bugs don't work on Vampires before leaving. Mavis is then embarrassed that she revealed her own secrets.

One reason Lydia is so angry is because she received only one Creepmas present (a big jingle bell) as a child, which traumatized her for years.

angry Mavis

angry Lydia

During season 2, Mavis begins to evidence characteristics of Lydia, who effectively serves as her foster mother. In several episodes, when angry, her face turns beet-red just like Lydia's does, although Mavis' hair does not sprout flames. Lydia besides compliments Mavis more, while even so insulting and frightening her quite often.

In Wand Ambition, Mavis acquires a magic wand, and Mavis' wand is a footstep towards Lydia'south staff. In All-time Friends Furever Lydia trusts Mavis with her staff, though Mavis bankrupt it. Information technology turns out Lydia trusted her staff to Mavis because she wanted her to break it, so she could get a new 1.

Mavis too caused a cape like Lydia, and besides adult an antagonistic relationship with Krampus. Mavis is able to do a perfect impression of her aunt, even making her voice sound like hers. Lydia seems impressed and pleased by her impersonation.

Cistron [ ]

Cistron is Mavis' elderly wheelchair-bound video game loving and caring uncle. Whenever Mavis has a family or vampire related question she turns to him for answers, even when she rushes out with a plan in listen before she gets the take chances to hear the downside. Gene is shown to exist fond of his niece and doesn't like seeing her in trouble.

Klaus [ ]

Klaus (pronounced "klowsh") is Mavis' cousin that enjoys getting the improve of her. When e'er he visits the hotel the 2 would challenge each other to see which ane of them is the amend vampire, which has caused them to loathe each other.

Quasi [ ]

Mavis' outset kiss was accidentally with ane of Quasi'south neck boils, as revealed by one of the twins in Improve Know Your Mavis

werewolf twins [ ]

In Goo Trounce when instructed to "add your most annoying friends" she brings Hank and Pedro, indicating she finds the twins less annoying.

Gallery [ ]

References [ ]

  1. mentioned by Pedro in a panel from My Little Monster-Sitter


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